Everything you need to know before the shop launch

Hi everyone! We're ten days away from the shop launch, and I am so excited that I'm telling you everything you need to know before the big launch so you can feel the excitement with me and get ready. 

The idea

When I started martinamanca.com, I expected it to be a fashion and lifestyle blog to share my love for these topics. But, analyzing the analytics, I understood that this website had an inner potential to be more than a blog. So, I started working on Branding with Martina, a platform to give you all the tools to manage your projects, learn new skills, and work with me to make your dreams come true. That's when martinamanca.com became more than a side hustle. It was a living project that needed a lot more attention. Navigating through my adult life, corporate job, and martinamanca.com is challenging, and I immediately knew I needed some help. I've tried every paper and digital planner, but I needed something better for my needs. I wanted something minimalistic to keep me focused on the tasks but beautiful to keep me motivated to use it. I needed something practical and easy to fill but organized for my three main life areas: corporate job, adult life, and martinamanca.com. Then, I wanted something for my mental health care. As I mentioned in many blog posts, I've been seeing a therapist since two years ago. I'm so proud of all the achievements I made, but at the same time, I'm aware that I need to take care of my mental health daily. That's why I've created my printables and digital downloads for you. I'm sure I'm not alone in this adult life rollercoaster, so I'm so happy you will start using these products. 

The launch

The MM shop will launch on May 1st to celebrate the website's second birthday. You'll find online two categories, Project management, and Life and wellness, but I won't spoil you anything further. If you're a newsletter subscriber, you'll receive three free and exclusive products in the newsletter I'll send for the shop launch. And if we reach 100 subscribers by April 30th, you'll unlock another great gift. 

The first drop will be called Adult Life, simplified! because I want to help you get your daily life as smoother as possible and save the energy to make your dreams come true. It will have five products you can print or use on Goodnotes or similar apps as PDFs. 

I'm already working on new products and features for the shop, but I hope you'll enjoy these first five products. Also, the newsletter will be richer than usual from the launch with the three exclusive products, discount codes, and updates. I will announce every news in the monthly newsletter before anywhere else, so I'd make sure to be subscribed by April 30th if I was you! 

Stay tuned and get ready for this new chapter of martinamanca.com. I'm forever grateful for your support of the website and me. This wouldn't be possible without you. 


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