CC101: How to get inspiration for a new wave of content creation

Hi everyone! September is here, and I took a month off of the website to recharge, refocus, and re-inspire myself. In the last episode of CC101, we discussed conquering a creative block. So, today is perfect to get inspiration for a new wave of content creation. 

Getting in the inspirational flow for creating new content for your website, social media, or work can be challenging if you're exiting a creative block. Creating high-quality content takes time to find the right energy, mood, and vibe. I want to start this post by telling you you have time. You can take an extra week or day to recharge and find the ideal combination to restart creating content. 

Other than that, there are some tips I want to share to get inspiration. So, let's get into this post. 

Be outside

I started my summer in a burnout even though I didn't know it. When I landed in my hometown, I was craving the sea, the open air, and the sound of the waves. I spent two weeks outside, breathing the coastal air, swimming in the ocean, watching the sunsets, and journaling outdoors. I avoided the house as much as possible, even for brushing my hair. The open air gave me so much serenity and peace. I felt my brain slowing down, my breath improving, and my anxiety falling asleep. 

Being outside is an excellent way to find peace of mind and release the bad energy. 

Now that I'm back and don't have so many occasions to be outside, I run at the park, and it's the best feeling ever. 

Manual activities

When I'm looking for new inspiration, the first thing I need to do is reset my mind. The best way to switch off my brain is by doing manual activities. I have many options, but my favorites are gardening, baking, and working out. When I involve my body, my brain is more relaxed and serene. 

There are other manual things I do to switch off my mind. For example, if I need to kill two birds with a stone, I fold my laundry, tidy my room or desk, or cook a meal. 

Each activity involves different body areas and helps me relax my brain. 

Journaling and reading

If I'm in an overthinking circle, I need to distract my brain before relaxing it. The most effective activities I know are journaling and reading. I restarted journaling in my paper diary this summer, and I've been consistent since then. Sometimes I write a page, sometimes just a few lines. That's fair; it matters that I write something every day. Then, when I read, I love to escape and be in another world. So, I mainly read fiction and always collect new books to nourish my love for reading. 

Fun fact: When I do a manual activity, journal, or read, I always have an idea or an inspiring thought that gives me the right mood to create. 

Connect with other people.

This may be the most out-of-my-comfort-zone activity, but I recognize how wonderful and inspiring it is to connect with others. Even if it's not a work-related chat, you get a new point of view from another person. You can listen to other experiences and get new inspiration to start over. 

Make lists

Am I serious? Is making lists supposed to help me get inspiration for a new wave of content creation? Yes. Start with things related to your daily life, like groceries or chores. Then, let your thoughts flow, and you'll see how many ideas you already have in your brain. 

This summer, I was lucky to do everything I told you in this blog post. I came home physically tired, but my mind was ready to explode with new ideas, projects, and energy. 

What's your favorite way to get inspiration for a new wave of content creation? 


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