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Vision board, goal, and intention setting for 2023

Hi everyone! We're getting closer to the weekend! In Tuesday's post, we saw how to set our goals for 2023 in 6 steps. So, today is the perfect time to wrap up what we've done on Tuesday and focus on the bigger picture. I love this time of the year, but in general, every occasion where I can stop and focus on my intentions and goals.

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This period may put lots of pressure on us. Still, we can turn this overwhelming month into an opportunity to focus on what makes us happy.

I've made my 2023 vision board following the goal-setting steps I shared on Tuesday and the tutorial I posted last year. I feel super inspired because I set goals and intentions that focus on making me happy and content. Of course, there are goals for and other aspects of my work, but most plans are to improve my feelings and general mood.

See this gallery in the original post

In the past, I focused my goals on reaching impossible standards that were far from my body shape, lifestyle, and desires. So, I learned to define what I want and what makes my heart beat and then set goals around this. It's a sign that I started putting myself first, which made a difference in 2022. As a result, I've reached most of my dreams and feel energized for 2023.

My new vision board is already set on my screen saver, and I've already started pursuing my intentions in December 2022. There is no precise time to start going for your dreams. You reach a point when you need to put yourself first, and then the rest comes naturally.

This year I'm focusing on my wellness, love life, friendships, travel, and I understood that if these areas of my life are doing well, I function better in other aspects like productivity.

I don't need particular morning routines or a strict daily program. I just need a balance and time to dedicate to these areas.

How are you setting goals and intentions for 2023? Have you already made your vision board? Let's chat in the comments below!