November edit: 10 teddy coats and faux fur jackets under 500 €

Hello everyone, and welcome, November! I'm starting this new month with the right foot because I'm feeling so energized and in a good mood. I'm trying something new to manage my mood swings; I'll keep you posted later this month when I see if it actually works. 

Yesterday, I planned the content calendar for November, and I decided to write the monthly edit about teddy coats and faux fur jackets. I officially started wearing my pink faux fur coat from Mango (two seasons ago), and I love snuggling there! It's so comfortable and chic. 

So today, I got you my 10 favorite teddy coats and faux fur jackets from the web for under 500 €. There is only one coat for over 400 €, the other nine are all for under 100 €, which is pretty good for our love for shopping!

From Revolve

Revolve is an excellent multi-brand website to shop the trends and something extraordinary. I fell in love with this jacket because of the details, the fit, and the color. I think it's a great piece to add to your closet - and you can pay it with Klarna in three months!

© Revolve - tap the photo to shop

From Missguided

Last year I bought a coat and a jacket from Missguided, and I love the quality. It's a perfect compromise between the trend, the price, and the quality. I found an adorable bomber jacket: this khaki shade is the color of the season. I'm seeing so much stuff in this color, and I think it's so rich and chic. You can create unique outfits with it! 

©Missguided - tap the photo to shop

The second piece I found is a blue pelted faux fur coat. It's a bit different from the other ones, it also comes in black, cream, and grey. It's so cool, what do you think? 

©Missguided - tap the photo to shop

From Asos

You know the vibe with Asos. You can find everything literally! I was shocked when I saw these three teddy coats. I mean, they give me all the MaxMara vibes on a budget. Run, don't walk to get them! 

©Asos - tap the photo to shop

©Asos - tap the photo to shop

©Asos - tap the photo to shop

From Nasty Gal

If you are a sucker for trends but want to stay on a budget, Nasty Gal is the place to be. The brown longline faux fur coat is a must-have. It's so rich that it elevates all your fits. The pink one is so funny, and this year is all about bright colors when it comes to coats. 

©Nasty Gal - tap the photo to shop

©Nasty Gal - tap the photo to shop

From Zara

TikTok is full of the Zara collection that I had to check the coats and jackets selection. I found two pieces that made me say wow. These two bomber jackets are so versatile and smart. You can dress up or down depending on your mood. Also, the cream one is in double-face, so it's like you're buying two jackets with one. 

©Zara - -tap the photo to shop

©Zara - -tap the photo to shop

So, what's your favorite one? Are you more of a classic and timeless, or do you like to experiment with trends? Let me know in the comments below!


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