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Milano Fashion Week: it's Fendace, baby!

This morning I woke up with the most unbelievable news ever. Did you hear that? Fendi and Versace presented a unique collaboration last night. I'm obsessed!

25 mind-blowing looks for a one-shot collaboration walked the private runway last night. In fact, we saw some incredible clothes designed by Fendi and inspired by the Versace archive, and other ones designed by Versace and inspired by the Fendi archive.

This contamination between two major fashion brands is so inspiring. In fact, we saw two friendly rivals joining their strengths and efforts to make something beautiful, to inspire other people and the whole industry.

It's so cool seeing how such a strong brand like Versace can be interpreted by another bold firm like Fendi. I loved to see the different perspectives joining together so smoothly.

So, here are my favorite looks from the show.

© Vogue Runway

Honestly, I hope to see more of these gorgeous surprises. But for now, I'm thoroughly enjoying the Fendace collection!

See you tomorrow for the first post of Paris Fashion Week!