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How to spring clean your home, life, and mind

Hi everyone! Today is officially the last day of the month, and I can't wait for April! It's sensational how the seasonal change affects me, my inspiration, and the urge to organize everything. So, I think it's the perfect opportunity to share how I spring clean my home, life, and mind. 


Spring cleaning your home is the easiest way to start. You can see and touch everything you want to organize or arrange differently. Also, this activity is like therapy! You'll feel more serene and at peace at the end of the process. My main tip is to start with small goals, like organizing a drawer or some of your clothes, to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Then, surround yourself with positive energy and good products. Good music, audiobooks, or podcasts are perfect for keeping you company during the spring cleaning process. I love to dance, sing, and laugh while doing something around the house. I used to hate to organize, clean, and do all the household chores. But the practice made me realize that I enjoy them only if I have good vibes around me, break them into smaller tasks, and use the product I love. 

So, let's talk about products! I live in an apartment in Milan, which means that my storage space is limited. So, I have to optimize the products I use for cleaning as much as possible, and I want to reduce the plastic to the minimum. So, I removed the bucket and the detergent for the floors and replaced them with a steam broom. It's so easy now to mop because the broom is lighter, and the steam kills all the bacteria naturally. The second massive change I introduced to the cleaning routine is Everdrop. The products from this brand are natural, easy to use, and come in tablets or powder to dissolve in water. So, I have three spray bottles for the kitchen, glasses, and bathroom, the tablets for my dishwasher, and powder detergents for the laundry. Thanks to the packaging of Everdrop products, I can store them quickly, and they clean perfectly without wasting water.

Last but not least, the scent of each product is heaven. In the beginning, I tested them with the All in one kit. And now I'm happy to buy them over and over again! 

All in one kit from Everdrop - tap to shop (not affiliated link)


What do I mean by spring cleaning your life? The seasonal change inspires me to check myself, how my life is going, how I'm doing to reach my goals. Does this happen to you? 

Last week, when I was recovering from eye surgery, I reflected a lot on all of these topics. Surprisingly, I'm doing pretty well, but there is still room for improvements and areas where I'm not fully satisfied. So, the start of spring is the perfect moment to clean all the dark spots and bring some new and fresh light. So, how am I managing all of this? The Mind your business planner is a game-changer! I already mentioned it in a previous post, but it becomes your personal assistant once you use it consistently. I'm so motivated now that the MYB planner sits on the desk with me, and ticking off all of my to-do list items is the most satisfying thing ever. Also, this method keeps me focused on my goals, and I have less time to complain. The most important tip I can give you to spring clean your life is to make time for the things you love: quality time with your people, self-care, reading, all the good stuff. For example, I love creating content for this blog and social media, but I used to complain that I didn't have time for them. Now, I make time every day to write and be present on social media!

Mind your business planner - tap to shop (not affiliated link)

If you're not a paper planner person, you can use your Calendar to time block all of your activities. 


I know that I might sound repetitive, but your mind and mental health are fundamental for your general wellness. So make sure to check in your mind consistently to see if everything is doing great or if you need help. 

Since I was diagnosed with depression and started my therapy with a psychologist, I'm more aware of how my mind affects everything in my life. Now I understand how powerful the mindset is, from the energy to jumping out of bed every morning to cope with the most insignificant event. 

That's being said, how can you spring clean your mind? First, surround yourself with people, things, and activities that bring you positive energies. The more you feel positive, the more you can get rid of the dark moments. In my experience, I love chatting with my parents and boyfriend; spending quality time with them is a pure gem for me. One of the things that makes me super happy is feeling put together every day, even if I'm not going out. So, every morning, I get ready, do my hair and skin care. If I'm feeling it, I do make-up as well. One activity that brings me joy is going out for a walk, especially at sunset. Also, this matches perfectly with my need to do ten thousand steps a day, so it's like two peas in a pod!

Last but not least, vision boards and journaling are game-changers for your mind. Thanks to your vision board, you can see your goals, keep them in your mind, and be focused. Journaling is great for venting your thoughts and emotions, checking in with your wellness, and confiding your deepest thoughts and dreams to a silent friend. 

I'm not particularly picky with the journal; I found a tremendous pink notebook at Tiger. But I can't write anything without my Montblanc pen. It's a precious gift, a lucky charm, and it writes beautifully. 

Montblanc pen - tap to shop (not affiliated link)

What are you doing for your spring clean session? Let me know in the comments below!