How to spring clean your closet and beauty cabinet

Spring is here, and it's time to refresh your closet and beauty routine! With the change in season, it's the perfect opportunity to clear out the clutter in your closet and beauty cabinet to make way for new, exciting items. But where do you start?

First, let's tackle your closet. Begin by taking everything out and sorting it into piles: keep, donate, and toss. As you review each item, ask yourself if you've worn it in the past year or if it still fits you well. If not, it's time to let it go. Don't be afraid to be ruthless in decluttering, as it can free some space.

Once you've sorted your clothes, it's time to organize them. Consider using organizing tools such as hangers, storage bins, and shoe racks to maximize space and make things easier to find. You can also arrange your clothes by color or type (i.e., tops, pants, dresses) to make it easier to build outfits.

If you feel overwhelmed, do each process for one category at a time.

Now, let's move on to your beauty cabinet. Start by going through all your products and checking expiration dates. Toss any expired products or those you haven't used in the past six months. This will not only help you declutter but also ensure that you're not using anything that could potentially harm your skin.

Next, organize your products by category (i.e., skincare, makeup, haircare) and store them to make it easy to find what you need. Consider using drawer organizers, acrylic containers, or even a lazy susan to keep everything in its place.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to a clean and organized closet and beauty cabinet. Plus, you'll have a better sense of what you own and still need, making it easier to shop for new items you'll use and enjoy. Happy spring cleaning!


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