How to make your vision board

Hi everyone, and happy Thursday!

On Monday, I shared with you a fashion moodboard for 2022, and I wanted to talk more in-depth about how to make your vision board. 

What is a vision board? 

A vision board is a collage of inspirational pictures, words, sentences that represent all of your goals. It's kind of the manifestation process, but instead of writing down your goals, you want to express them through images. You can make it for anything: fashion, career, personal goals, home, Instagram feed. Once you've done it, the best thing you can do is save your vision board as a lock screen or wallpaper on your phone, laptop, iPad. It's the best way to have your vision board constantly under your eyes to remind you of all of your goals. 

How to make your vision board?

Let's move to the fun part. Making your vision board is such a creative process. The first and most important step is writing down your goals. When I did my vision board, I made columns for life, career, personal projects, passion. Then, I wrote down three or more goals for each column. This is a therapeutic moment because you can clear your mind and express your inner willingness. 

For the second step, you want to collect images, words, sentences from Pinterest or magazines. In fact, you can do your vision board digitally or printed. I made mine digital because I wanted a customized wallpaper for my Mac. I went on Pinterest to get inspirational pictures and quotes. This is the most fun part of the process because you can be so creative! 

Once you have collected all, you can con on Canva, Pages, PowerPoint, Keyboard, or whatever tool let you create a collage. If you want to make your vision board printed, grab your scissors, glue, and a piece of paper big enough to include everything. 

This is the time to start putting together your pictures. When I made my vision board, I made sections to visualize my goal categories. It's mode handy and aesthetic for me. 

Is it worth it? 

I made my first vision board in September 2021 and saved it as my Mac wallpaper. This is the best for me because I spend so much time on my computer, and I can see the vision board all the time. It reminds me to believe in myself, my dreams, and my goals. Every time I see it, I feel motivated, inspired, and strong. I think that making your vision board is not only fun and creative, but it's the best free way to set your goals and go for them no matter what. 

These days are hectic with my corporate job, and I often feel that I don't have time for me, my boyfriend, or my passions. When I see my vision board, I have the strength to make time for myself, unwind, and get creative a little bit every day. 

So, I can totally say that is so worth it. I made my vision board for long-term goals, but you can do it for whatever you want. In this Monday post, I shared a vision board for the fashion trends of 2022, for example. You can make it for everything. 

Are you into vision boards? What is your favorite way to set your goals? 


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Welcome 2022! Moodboard, fashion trends, wishlist, and more