How to do shopping on a budget

Hi everyone, and happy Monday!

I was planning to write another post for today, but I reflected a lot on my love for shopping this weekend. So, I thought to dedicate this post to a topic I care about: how to do shopping on a budget.

As some of you might know, I have a corporate job with a junior position. In addition, I live in Milan, which is pretty expensive, and I love shopping like crazy. So, how to manage all of these aspects without breaking my bank account? I'm learning a lot about budgeting, even though I have lived in Milan since 2012. It's a process, mainly because my priorities and needs have changed during this decade. So, I'm constantly trying to balance my wishes to go out and spend all of my money on fashion shopping with the truth that I have fixed expenses to pay monthly.

I know that out there, some of you are in the same position as mine. So, let's talk about how to treat ourselves on a budget.

The easiest way to go shopping on a budget is fast fashion. But, of course, I still buy one or two pieces once in a while from H&M. Some trousers from H&M fit me like a glove, and I can't ignore this fact. Their socks and tights are so comfortable. There are some basics I love buying because they help me a lot without breaking my bank account.

But, and this is huge, there are some key closet pieces that I can't buy on a budget. A good quality coat, a great blazer with an exceptional fabric, a leather bag are at the top of my mind. This is so frustrating because you want to buy the best option on the market, but you can't afford it. I get so sad when I window shop, knowing that those magnificent clothes will not ever make it to my closet. So, what to do? I still love fashion, I still love shopping, and, most important, I still have this tight budget.

The answer is thrifting. I know that is the most obvious solution that you could expect. Still, it's something that I'm practicing more consistently lately, and I'm in awe. One of my favorite ways to thrift on a budget is going to my mum's closet and picking something she doesn't want to wear anymore. I have some phenomenal pieces from her closet that are timeless, and I wear so fiercely.

The second tip is to sell the clothes I don't want anymore on an app to buy some vintage pieces with the money I earn. I just got a lovely white shirt for spring, and I'm waiting for an oversized cotton blazer and a pink cotton button-down. I managed to buy excellent quality clothes paying less than at a fast fashion shop. I'm so happy because I still treat myself with lovely dresses, but without the constant anxiety to spend too much on my monthly budget. I have to confess that I hate these restrictions I have to put, but it's the only way to navigate in an expensive city like Milan. On another note, I love selling all the clothes that I don't wear anymore. I still donate some of them, but the other ones are on my Vinted profile on sale.

Last but not least, the third tip I want to give you is something that I always dreamt of, and I'm finally making it come true! If you can't find something, sew it! My boyfriend and I will buy a sewing machine with a sewing course to learn how to make clothes for ourselves. It's so exciting, at least for three reasons. First of all, it's a hobby we can do together. Second, I'm glad to make a wish from my childhood come true. Last but not least, I will be able to make all of the clothes I imagine and wear something unique! I can't think of something more extraordinary than this!

What are your tips and tricks to do shopping on a budget? Share them in the comments below!


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