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Day in my life with a full-time corporate job and a part-time content creator job

Hi everyone! Today's lifestyle post is different because I want to share something personal as I'm telling you how I balance my full-time corporate job and a part-time content creator job. So today, I'm sharing a typical day in my life with a full-time corporate job and a part-time content creator job. 

My typical routine

My days are fully packed, but I save some time to relax and hang out. So here's my typical routine for a workday. 

My sleep lamp wakes me up at 6.20 am, and I get ready. I love having breakfast at home, but I have it in the office thrice weekly. Other than that, my morning starts like this every day. 

Then, I check my emails, call my parents, and start ticking off my to-do list. I dedicate my mornings and afternoons to my corporate job from Monday to Friday. I work in a big book publishing firm as a Product Manager. 

During my lunch break, I usually check my blog analytics and share something on my social accounts. I struggle a lot doing it if I'm at the office, but when I'm home, I love to share my breakfast and something from my life. I love consuming this content because I relate a lot to it. 

After my corporate job, I usually write a new blog post, plan recent social posts, or plan for the upcoming big launch. When you run a brand, you wear many different hats. So, you're a strategist, product manager, creative director, social media manager, and blogger, and that's fabulous. I love doing it because everything inspires me on another level. 

Sometimes it's hard because I feel burned out or want to be on my couch watching Netflix. But that's normal because I accept that I cannot be a robot. 

How to balance a full-time corporate job with content creation

When I started, I was thinking about how I could balance a full-time corporate job with this massive project I had in mind.

Everything I found online was about romanticizing being a part-time content creator and dedicating your weekends to batch content enough for the week. So, you would work seven days per week. I knew I couldn't do it because I needed to rest and care for my body and mind to avoid getting sick again. That's why I needed to find an alternative to make my dreams come true and stay healthy. 

Here's how to balance a full-time corporate job with content creation accordingly to my method. Firstly, you need to plan plan plan. I usually take time on Sunday to fill my calendar with memos, calls, appointments, and so much more. Also, I color code my calendar because it helps me to differentiate the activities for the areas of my life: so, I have a calendar for my corporate job, another one for, another one for the wedding, and a final one for my life dashboard. I plan everything, from when I need to take my supplements to my workouts with links. 

Then, I take advantage of every break during the day to think, brainstorm, and take notes to make the most out of the time I dedicate to creating content.  

This planning situation requires lots of tools. My favorites are the iPhone calendar, a paper notebook where I brainstorm and take quick notes or make lists, and Notion to organize my ideas and make them concrete. But the most helpful tool I use daily is taking small breaks to switch my brain off. As I mentioned in my lifestyle changes post, I banned my phone from the bedroom to stay away from the screen, relax my eyes and mind, and find peace. Then, I have breakfast without my phone, emails, or other stimulating things to let my brain wake up slowly. These rules I made for myself helped me balance work and amusement. 

They work for my general wellness, but I tested a lot before finding this balance. So my advice to learn how to balance a full-time corporate job with content creation is to be yourself on and off the screen, listen to your body and mind, and respect those moments when you need to nap. You're not a robot, and you don't need to be hyper-productive 24/7 to make your dreams come true. 

A personal note for mental wellness

Since launching, I have learned much about myself and mental wellness. I went through a lot, became stronger than ever, and became more aware of my mental health. 

One lesson I learned and loved is to take the most out of every moment. And I apply this equally to the planning process and the breaks. So, when I need to tick something off my list, I'm all in. But I make it extra unique when I have a relaxing moment. I light up a candle, soften the lights, listen to white noises or soothing music, take a big breath, and live the moment like a unique gift I can give to myself. Since I started living like this, I have felt more productive and present with myself and the people I love. Ticking off the things from your list can be so satisfying, but I find more joy when I feel good when I sleep through the night without nightmares, end my dinner without nausea from the tiredness, and feel my body strong and capable of getting through the day.