Content Creation 101: 4 lessons I've learned since I launched two years ago

Hi everyone! This month's Content Creation 101 blog post is like a wrap-up of 4 lessons I've learned since I launched two years ago. At this time next month, the online shop will be online, and it's the perfect time to reflect and share with you 4 lessons I've learned during this journey. When I started planning for, my mind was full of dreams and fears. But, as I started breaking down each goal into smaller steps and accomplishments, everything seemed more manageable.

Nevertheless, the fear is always with me because this project is more extensive than I expected. When your dreams come true, you fear they will disappear. At the same time, though, I'm so proud of what has become since its launch two years ago. At that time, I planned on managing a fashion and lifestyle blog to create content around these two topics and nothing more. Two posts per week, which was it, but your response around some blog posts gave me the idea to launch Branding with Martina, a digital space to learn new skills, find free tools, and work with me on your projects. Your response to a specific type of content gave me the insights to understand that there is someone who wants to try working in the digital world. When I started, I struggled to find resources to learn new skills and launch I wanted to create a space for you to find everything you could need for your projects. Whether it's a blog, a portfolio, or e-commerce, I want you to feel safe on Branding with Martina to look around and find resources and tools to turn your dreams into reality. 

Anyway, let's return to this blog post's central theme: 4 lessons I've learned since I launched two years ago. 

I know you're scared, but it's because you care.

As I mentioned, fear is always with you when navigating new paths. The uncertainty is typical because you're stepping out of your comfort zone. So, from an anxious person like me, let me tell you to embrace this fear and understand that you're feeling it because you care. Embrace this anxiety and turn it into something productive. For example, I use it to plan more and ensure I've dedicated attention to each task. If this fear is overwhelming, I've learned to focus on what makes me feel like this and break it into smaller steps, goals, or activities. 

Sometimes it's more complicated because my mind gets anxious too quickly, and I can't stop it. Still, I remind myself that is my project, my baby, and I can manage it at my pace. This pace may slow down this website, but I don't care. I created this website to make me happy, so it's still the main reason. 

If you're working on your passion project or want to start a new activity, remind yourself why you started it. If something upsets you, remove it from your project and move on. 

You'll wear endless hats.

I love this lesson because I love variety. I need different incentives when doing something because I get bored quickly. So, when I started, I learned to wear endless hats like a brand strategist, website developer, content creator, editor, social media manager, and analyst. You'll do everything from start to finish, and that's fascinating because you can feel and see how your vision is turning into reality. 

I get so emotional when I see the insights from the blog, your response, and how I can deliver content accordingly to your preferences. 

When I write the newsletter at the end of each month, I can't believe I did this all by myself. It's a gift that keeps giving. 

Balance is complicated but necessary.

If you're working on your project as a side hustle of your corporate job, like me, let me tell you to put one word at the center of your vision board, BALANCE. Working to turn your dreams into reality is complex. Doing it while working on a 9-5 is challenging and overwhelming, and exhaustion is approaching. So, schedule your daily agenda to rest, switch off your brain, and focus on the present. 

I've learned this lesson on my skin because I got so exhausted that my body collapsed. So focusing on the present, being grateful for a sunny day, and spending time with friends and family are crucial. Even though you feel like you're wasting time, switching off your brain will give you new energy, inspiration, and a new look to your projects. 

Launch and adjust while doing.

Oh, this one! So, where do I start? I grew up thinking that I needed to be perfect before doing anything. So, I spent endless hours preparing, planning, and perfecting every detail. Guess what? You'll always be partially ready! There will always be something to adjust after the launch. So, launch and adapt while doing! 

It's petrifying, I know, but it's the best advice I can give you. I experimented with it in different areas of my life, from to my apartment, and that's always true. 

Get over this fear of not appearing perfect, and get vulnerable with your audience. That's what connects you with your audience, makes you relatable, and be yourself. 

Ask me anything in the comments below, and I'll answer in new blog posts!

Previously on Content Creation 101


How to style cargo pants


POV: you need a reminder of how amazing you are