CC 101: Discover the path to conquering a creative block

Hi everyone! This month's CC 101 blog post resonates significantly with my current situation because I'm living with a little creative block. We're halfway through 2023, and something happened to me because some goals I set back in January are still far away. Even though I always tell you and myself to Hold the vision, and trust the process, sometimes it's challenging. I was excited to focus on social media, build a community on my social accounts, and take to the next level. Still, I have to cope with everything from January to now and accept that I did my best to navigate all the different sides of my life. So, when July started, I realized that half of the year had gone. That said, how to conquer a creative block and make the second half of the year even better? 

Someone may resonate with me and this feeling, so stick with me while discovering a realistic path to conquering a creative block. 

Check-in with ourselves

As we said, half of 2023 is gone, so before doing everything else, we need to check in with ourselves to see if something changed. Are the goals the same as in January? Are our January priorities still important now? Do we want the same things? 

If yes, we want to make a different plan that resonates with our daily lives and makes us progress toward our dreams. If not, we must change and create a realistic plan for our new goals, priorities, and wishes. 

Make a feasible plan from now to December 2023

What's a feasible plan? What does it mean? Feasibility depends on many things, mainly because everyone's life is different, and what it's possible for you may be challenging for me. But we must consider our attitude: someone can cope with high pressure better than others. So, we need to be honest and kind to ourselves and create a plan to make our dreams come true and protect our health. 

One of the best hacks to feel less overwhelmed is breaking our goals into more minor achievements and scheduling them in your semestral plan. Break your goals into smaller pieces until you can prepare some achievements in your daily and weekly calendar. In this way, your focus is on progressing toward your primary goal. For example, if you plan to become a content creator on IG by December 2023 from scratch, you want to make a practical and feasible plan for these six months. So, after setting your content strategy, break down this goal into more minor achievements. Do you want to post on your account 3 times per week while working a full-time corporate job? Create three easy-to-film content ideas and schedule three slots on your weekly calendar to film, shoot, edit, and post. Review your work at the end of the week, and plan for the following week. In this way, you're making time in your daily life for your dream, and that's progress. 

Bet on yourself and be consistent.

When you're living a creative block, this is the hardest part. But you need to repeat like a mantra Hold the vision, trust the process. You're capable of your dreams. You have everything you need to achieve your goals. So, you must believe and bet on yourself. Who will do it for you if you don't bet on yourself? Who'll believe in you if you don't do it first? 

Go all in and be consistent. There will be days more challenging than others, and you'll be tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed, but that's what the vision is for. You need to visualize the bigger picture and believe this creative block is only a fleeting moment of your life and your dream is approaching. 

Celebrate every small success.

Every lousy day lasts only 24 hours, as well as good days. So, when you have a good day, tick some small achievements from the list, have a little success, and celebrate. You're doing your best, bet on yourself, and celebrate when you win. I love rewarding myself with a glass of wine, an ice cream, a little shopping session, or a day off. 

Ask for help if you need it.

Lastly, if you're in a creative block and can't conquer it, ask for help. Sometimes a chat with someone, a good book, a podcast, or just a walk can be your best helper to exit from a creative block. These phases may need a new inspiration boost, which you can find doing new things or looking at your everyday life with a different perspective. 

Previously on CC 101


10 easy hairstyles to beat the heat and still look cute


How to beat the heat and still look cute.