5 things to do every day for yourself

I discovered self care recently because I started thinking of myself in this way just before the first lockdown. I know it may sound crazy, but I've never taken care of myself growing up. However, since I started taking time just for myself, I love it so much. I try my best to do something during the morning and the evening every day. 

So, I tried different things to understand what fits best for me. And I've realized how much self-care can change my day compared to when I let tasks overwhelm me.

So, I thought to share with you 5 things that help me every day in my self care.


Self care in the morning

During the morning, I like to have some quiet and calm before the day actually starts. It gives me the space to wake up gently and set the mood for the day. I see that if I can't do this, my anxiety gets worse and overwhelms me so much. So, for example, I take some minutes to stay in bed after my alarm rings, and I eat my breakfast really slow. 

Another thing that I love during the morning is when I am all by myself in my car because I can listen to my favorite podcasts or chat on the phone with my beloved ones. It helps me to decompress and face the day energized.

Self care in the evening

The evening is usually the time when I let my body rest and chill out from the day. I have some rituals that help me turn off my mind and just enjoy the moment. 

First things first, I check the blog. I love looking at my creature, thinking of the following contents, and let my creativity free.

Then maybe I light on a scented candle and do my evening skincare. If I can wash the day away, I can let my mind free and relax in my bed.

Another thing that helps me a lot is preparing an outfit for the next day and all the other things I might need to don't rush in the morning. 

What do you do for yourself during the day? Are you more for morning self-care or evening?


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Fashion edit: matching sets roundup