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3 ways to boost your self-confidence now

Hi everyone! How are you feeling today? I'm waving from a super tired feeling and unwilling to do anything to a desperate need to go into a whole out-of-office mood and recharge. This year has been challenging for many reasons, and I think we all need a good amount of space to recharge, re-organize, and set new goals. But unfortunately, whenever I feel like this, I lose my self-confidence as a direct consequence. So, today's blog post has the perfect timing for me, and I hope for you too. 

I'm incredibly thankful for the love you gave to 3 things to do when you feel overwhelmedSo I decided to keep this format for tackling three easy things we can do ourselves to solve a problem or change a mood. 

I'm not the most self-confident person in the world because I have the same thoughts about my body or style as you. So, we're all in this together. That's why I think these 3 things to boost your confidence might sound more familiar and easy to do. 

Accept and forgive

We see everything as negative and challenging whenever we lose confidence or feel worn out. It's normal to feel fatter, not sexy, unproductive, sad, or lazy. So, the first thing to do is accept this phase - because it's temporary -forgive ourselves, and start changing our perspective. It's not our fault if we feel like this, so let's embrace this moment and change our mindset.


Change our perspective

If you're spending a whole day at home, you can get dressed like you're about to hang out around the city. You'll see yourself in the mirror as a new person: this feeling will make you feel more productive and less lazy, and your confidence will naturally improve. 

If you have a date but don't know what to wear and hate how your clothes fit you, you're not willing to hang out and try everything to hide under the covers. I know this feeling better than you think. When my weight went up again, most of my clothes didn't fit me anymore, which drove me crazy. I used to cry in front of my closet for hours because I saw myself as the loser of the story, incapable of loving myself. So how did I change my perspective? First, I left my room and did something else for my self-care, like a face mask or a shower, to get distracted. Then, I started picking my outfit from a bag or shoes when I felt better. I was sure the accessories would fit me, so every step would give me positive feedback and improve my self-confidence. So, when it was time for clothes, I felt more confident and picked a cute outfit for the date. 

Let go and surround yourself with love

Last but not least, let go. I know these feelings are annoying, and you try to fight them because you want to feel that girl. But, the fact is that it's ok to not feel ok. These days happen to everyone, it's normal, and it's ok. Sometimes our body tells us to slow down before it's too late. Sometimes our mind tells us to reflect on something instead of ignoring it. There are many reasons why you lose self-confidence. And that's fine. So, let it go. 

You can surround yourself with love because it's the best therapy you can find. Love heals everything, especially when you lose self-confidence because you can see yourself through the eye of your loved ones. And that's the best boost for your self-confidence. 

What do you do to boost your self-confidence? Let's chat in the comments below!