20 lessons I've learned in my 20s

Hi everyone! As 2023 is going through my hands, my 30th birthday comes closer. This year feels so special. I'm making many changes and feel like I'm closing a significant chapter of my life and entering a new one. 

My twenties have been a beautiful emotional rollercoaster. I met the love of my life, my absolute best friend, and created a new life away from my family. Also, I experienced challenges that made me evaluate many things, learn to listen to myself, and care for my mind and body. I'm so happy for the life I've had in my twenties. It has been intense, so I wanted to share 20 lessons I've learned in my 20s. They are things I've learned over this decade, but they are also things I would have loved to hear out loud when I was living those years. 

It has to feel weird and no sense. Trust the process. It will make sense.

You. Have. Time. Enjoy every joyful moment. 

If you start your 20s with a specific project, follow it but be open to spontaneous alternatives. 

You're not alone. I know that sometimes you feel no one sees you. But you have people by your side. 

Be prepared for chaos. But it's an unforgettable rollercoaster. Live it fully. 

Don't care about others' opinions. It's a waste of time and energy. 

You know what you're doing even if you don't believe it. Trust your gut. 

Keep dreaming big and crazy no matter what people say to you. 

If you have an idea or a passion, pursue it. 

Keep taking care of your body and mind every day. 

You're always on time to ask for help. Don't wait for the point of no return. 

You can start over, stop, breathe, and change your mind. 

Have fun, experiment, be curious, and be open to new things. You're evolving so fast.

Your friendships can last forever if there is a long distance. Have faith and take care of your friends. 

Your body is evolving on a different level. Love it, take care of it, and be present. Your body does not define you. 

Make time for your family. Living these relationships in your twenties is a different experience than your teenage years. Make new memories. 

Talk to yourself kindly. Every time you're talking to yourself, you're telling things to your inner child. Be kind. 

Be kind to other people. You never know what they're facing. 

Fake it until you make it. It's a saying, but it works. 

Celebrate everything. Small wins, big wins, birthdays, achievements, fails. Celebrate yourself every day. Celebrate your significant people and tell them how much you love them. 

I can't wait for this new decade to begin, but I'm so proud of myself for my twenties. They made me who I am today. And I love this version of myself. 


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